Hi, I'm Kevin Koech

I'm a passionate software developer, specializing in crafting elegant solutions for complex problems. With expertise in Python and Javascript, I strive to create efficient and scalable applications that drive innovation and enhance user experiences. Let's build something amazing together!


Project   1 Image

A screen recording web app that allows user to capture theirs screens, upload the content online and either share or download the recording.

Project   2 Image

A flask web app that leverages the power of OpenAI's whisper model to transcribe audio and video files. Users can then download the generated transcripts in .srt format.

Project   3 Image

A blog web app built for chemists. Has a Jenkins pipeline configured that has OWASP and Sonar Scans for DevSecOps best practices. Also includes 2-Factor Authentication for enhanced security.

Project   3 Image

A task management web app that allows users to perform CRUD operations on their todos.

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